The strong bond between Genesis and Baoma is a guarantee for the end user.
From the small company of a few people, to the largest mechanical industry in the world, the choice of Ecut took place also considering the following points. The constant and direct contact between Genesis and Baoma leads to a precise and punctual flow of information.
Similar machines can be found through Trading Companies, companies that deal with exports, which act as an intermediary between the manufacturer and the end customer, often having only commercial and financial knowledge. Unfortunately, in this way you lose the direct link, and, worst of all, the manufacturer no longer has the technical information of return, valuable feedback to adapt the systems to the demands of the various markets.
It’s like the cold chain for frozen foods. If you interrupt and freeze it, it is the end user who gets screwed.
This has been one of the reasons why these machines have not taken off in Italy in recent years.

E.cut™, is a registered trademark of Genesi!
Genesi has over 200 machines installed in Europe. At large, medium, and especially small companies.
15 years of passion and work to spread these wonderful machines. And to change the name of “erosion saws” that reckless distributors had led them to believe. ( And which still periodically appear, strike, and disappear )
Tests and trials for customers carried out in their own laboratory, and close cooperation with one of the best manufacturers, has resulted in an experience that is felt by users before purchase, and witnessed afterwards. ( Many customers have two, some three, some seven machines).
Three patents, the ‘adoption of “licensed” operating systems, Ethernet networking, remote assistance, programs for collecting production data, manuals in Italian in Windows help format on board the machine, make E.cut™ machines, fully Industry 4.0.
The availability of spare parts, even for machines that have not been produced for 10 years, immediate remote assistance and intervention within 36 hours guarantee ‘continuous use and no prolonged downtime.
An E.cut™, thanks to tax incentives, costs half as much

Each Ecut-Baoma machine has a particular serial number through which it is possible to trace all the components of that machine, including the exclusive components adopted for the machines destined for the Italian market and distributed through Genesi.
Only for these machines is it possible to have direct remote assistance from Baoma technicians.
Even years later, access to the Baoma database allows Genesi to provide the exact spare part for that machine.

The components, in particular the electrical and electronic ones, are selected among those whose availability in Italy, at retailers of electrical equipment, is widely guaranteed, beyond the availability in our spare parts warehouse.
ONLY for Ecut machines are available in addition to the standard wiring diagrams, also wiring diagrams “by function”, which allow even after years, a simple electrician to trace the causes of any malfunctions.

Ecut machines can be seen in operation in our workshop. The experience gained in over fifty years of mechanical activity in sectors with a very high technological content allows us to perform tests and trials on any material. We carry out work for the customer to “really” verify the possibilities of the machines, or waiting for his machine to be delivered. Together with the customer we study, and eventually realize, gripping systems for mass production.

ONLY with Ecut manual completely in Italian,French, German, Spanish. Over three hundred pages, hundreds of images, and 3D views in motion.
Schemes and checklists in case of malfunctions, with images of the parts and checks to be carried out. They are very useful in the case of telephone assistance. In a few minutes it is possible to trace the causes, and almost always to fix and restart the work. They can be consulted directly on board the machine, even while the machine is working, or transferred to a PC in the office. In CHM (Windows Help) and PDF format.
On board the machine there are also Power Point presentations for the execution of : Single cut profile, Multiple cut profile, Conical profile, 4 axis profile, Gear cutting.

CNC on industrial PC with Windows 10 operating system , with regular Microsoft license.
Ethernet connectivity enabled
Open office installed to manage XLS tables and DOC files.
Power Point Viewer for viewing presentations How To Do, ( How It Is Done )
VLC for viewing movies.

Remote assistance through software with regular license. Access is guaranteed by Genesi extensive experience in the IT sector (see other sectors under www.genesigroup.com).
Possibility ‘also by the customer of remote control of the machine to check the progress of work.
Possibility of remote control and variation of the working parameters.
Possibility to switch off the machine remotely.
Possibility of remote intervention directly from the manufacturer’s technicians.

…more,…. much more,
whose details will be explained to you at a direct meeting to get to know Ecut :
-Liquid safety certificates for emulsions, and “EU” CE certificate
two-way electronic tensioner on CType models, (patented)
non-inertial tensioner on standard models, (not the usual counterweight, whose inertias stress the wire)
-SlipOn, to make it easier to insert the thread on the rollers… even in the dark
Liquid pre-filtering with special washable filters
These are “tricks” that make work a lot easier.
They are devices born from the daily use of the machines in our workshop/showroom, born “from below”, from the suggestions of our collaborators, people who live Ecut daily.
The installation of the machine is also supplied with the “KFS” (Fast Start Kit), with lamp, scissors, screwdriver, magnets, and many other useful tools that will allow you to “leave immediately,” without having to go buy anything!

Last but not least, the systems of financing, leasing or operational rental, at unbeatable rates, made possible only by the direct relationship with the manufacturer .
Zero advance, zero rate up to 36 months, super fast practices.
Go to the HIRE page to find out the details
Check with the values on the side how at 36 months the rate is zero, and how, with lower installments, the value is even negative, in practice how to have a discount!