Pre-sale service. After-sale service
Knowledge of wire erosion technology is often the preserve of those who make dies, extruders, etc. The possibilities and advantages offered by E.cut™ technology expand to a far greater and more varied number of uses. The purchase cost of an E.cut™, which is many times less than the cost of a conventional wire erosion with the same size cutting capability and the 10- to 20-fold lower hourly operating cost, make cutting with E.cut™ advantageous over other machining operations.
Some advantages of E.cut™ cutting.
– Accuracy within 0.015mm – Perfect geometry without barrel effect
– Cutting high thicknesses (up to, and over 500mm)
– Cutting any conductive material, of any hardness
So we are often asked about the feasibility of some machining, in terms of technology, and economics. Genesi’s pre-sales service can caculate with good approximation times and costs. In case there is any doubt anyway, tests and pre-series can be performed in the laboratory with machines in operation.
Agreements between Genesi and a major Financial Company, involving the Chinese supplier, have led to the definition of a series of financing proposals at very attractive rates. In addition to classic Leasing, Operating Rental is possible. Our financial consultant is able to suggest the most suitable solution according to the customer’s needs
Pre-sales service ensures compliance with the customer’s purpose.